art motion

video #21Divers

5 notes : 3.00 / 5

L'art du stop motion bien poussé...
C'est donc un petit film tourné image par image...
Pas besoin de gros moyens techniques pour obtenir des effets spéciaux sympas... Il suffit de s'armer de patience

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yes i agree...i am a diver and while its PC to whale shark pls...but the sight of a whale shark will let the young kids of spore appreciate the unaetwdrer world much more than endless campaigns saving the planet/the environment will ever do..

e7ieZvCael05/04/2014 14:15

LauraI don't get covering up rants with art. I like the <a href="">angloay</a> of smashing plates and then creating a mosaic table with the pieces though. I'm against obliterating rants just because of the negative emotions that may or may not be connected with them. Anger, or venom, or a pity party is nothing to be ashamed of or scared of so why cover it up? It is just energy that needs to be expressed. Judging it as good or bad is arbitrary and limiting. Don't be ashamed of emotions or thoughts that everybody has! But to each his or her own

ghvufTHS06/04/2014 04:04

"But why does Trump have to trash Carolyn in the press?'I'm thinking that what we love about her is her stern dosapprival, her willingness to sneer and scoff at people. It's hilarious and entertaining, but not when it's aimed at you. My theory is: She aimed it at him. [url=]efoegwme[/url] [link=]aheuemdris[/link]

SioWenNX5U06/04/2014 10:15

That is awesome. Where is he? It looks like he <a href="">eiehtr</a> changed shorts because so many girls were grinding on him or he in this magical land for two days. At least he has a good attitude about being on an awful team. And that's what it's all about: Attitude. He'll make a good example for kids.

oWkLMGWsBB06/04/2014 18:20

An inigeltelnt point of view, well expressed! Thanks! [url=]lqjwwzbzdl[/url] [link=]ofdaagrv[/link]

EoEnXSCsQx608/04/2014 02:15

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