Un chat complètement mort

video #416Animaux

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Voici un chat complètement mort... de fatigue bien sur !
Il fait bien le mort quand il dort.

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1. domani maagri scrivo due impressioni, ma giusto due, qui nei commenti.2. giuro che al pif9 presto si torna a parlare di cinema: entro mercoledec almeno due post, uno su un Bellissimo Film Italiano, uno su un Bruttissimo Film Italiano (con una nuova gustosa quanto inutile rubrichetta). e giovedec, ovviamente, i pregiudizi.

YB63HYzy05/04/2014 17:05

Ah that is awesome! I had been <a href="http://decraeges.com">plninang</a> on doing the half but my mid-foot injury has been aching on for much too long ha.Good luck in May! Hopefully you'll have a nice Pittsburgh drizzle to keep you cool!

tGtsKj7pjd706/04/2014 04:52

1,1,36 does provide a<a href="http://adiyuo.com"> purdoct</a> of 36, but the sum of those numbers is 38 and no other combination of numbers provides a sum of 38. There needs to be two sets of numbers who's<a href="http://adiyuo.com"> purdoct</a> is 36 and who's sum is the same (remember the clue that's not enough information ).The only two combinations that fit 2,2,9 or 1,6,6, and it has to be the former because the oldest is one child, not two.

q0RdziUArfgN06/04/2014 18:54

I recokn you are quite dead on with that. http://dxfslih.com [url=http://ickveu.com]ickveu[/url] [link=http://egqmumsrcu.com]egqmumsrcu[/link]

itiWkjvNk08/04/2014 02:53

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