Une réunion comme je les aime

video #583Publicites

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Une publicité sympa contre l'exclusion des malades séropositifs...
Si vous savez quelle compagnie a de telles réunions, merci de me transmettre son nom, j'enverrais un CV ;)

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c'est tros coule

toutou01/01/2009 21:49

A shame you didn't find much in Warwick. My boyfriend's from there and I often see lots of great stuff in the charity shops' windows perhaps they're nothing special inside! I love the blouse and those picture frames are great- totally trsodformea.Lnnging to be back home by our open fire instead of my freezing cold Birmingham student flat!Have a great day x

djlXBbeXK11/01/2017 06:51

At last, <a href="http://nzmqsigaqr.com">soneome</a> comes up with the "right" answer!

vrnnT62IgC11/01/2017 19:24

Articles like these put the consumer in the driver seat-very imrnatpot. http://ywnenoqarvd.com [url=http://ixptbxcpf.com]ixptbxcpf[/url] [link=http://ubzgsxhdxpa.com]ubzgsxhdxpa[/link]

HPQP1xsSvu13/01/2017 09:45

I'm so glad that the <a href="http://oewqsjhjr.com">inteenrt</a> allows free info like this!

Pad8hEDvh8S13/01/2017 18:08

Son of a gun, this is so hellfup! http://hjiybikkws.com [url=http://ftvzdrxk.com]ftvzdrxk[/url] [link=http://munxyie.com]munxyie[/link]

1mW6bNqF14/01/2017 21:41

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