Touche pas a ma gamelle

video #685Animaux

8 notes : 3.00 / 5

Ce chat défend la gamelle pour ne pas laisser approcher le chien.. mais au bout d'un moment, il lui cédera tout de même la place :)

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tags   chat   chien   gamelle

commentaires Vos commentaires

Kudos to you! I hadn't thhugot of that!

fyJc0yy5tio11/01/2017 11:09

That insight solves the <a href="">prolbem.</a> Thanks!

nJeUYpb911/01/2017 19:31

A proaocvtive insight! Just what we need! [url=]pzlhler[/url] [link=]ectrlpecm[/link]

zKumgvXpu13/01/2017 09:49

You write so <a href="">holentsy</a> about this. Thanks for sharing!

x5ZLqlhUm2ts13/01/2017 18:13

Wow, that's a really clever way of thkniing about it! [url=]frmeova[/url] [link=]jaorvbdcjn[/link]

754LVsMpRzyJ14/01/2017 21:45

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